Manage My Account

Log into MindBody Online

You can log in to MindBody Online by clicking here, and then signing in with your email address and your password.

If you have forgotten your password, please click the ‘Need new password?’ link on the MindBody home page, and you will be able to quickly and easily reset your password by following the prompts. 

Important: It is really important that, when you are trying to log into MindBody, you do not ‘Create a New Account’ if you have previously purchased a pass with us or if you have a current active pass.  If you do, the new account will not recognise your active pass or any of your previous profile information. 

Reactivate my Unlimited Membership

If you have a suspended Unlimited Membership with us, or if you have recently terminated your Unlimited Membership, you can reactivate your Unlimited Membership on a date of your choice so that you can book and attend classes in our studios, and also request complimentary access to the Online Studio (and to our App) on and from that date, by completing this online form.

Request access to
Online Studio

If you are an Unlimited Member with us, you can request exclusive access to the Online Studio and to our App. To request access, please complete our online studio access request form.

Please note that this form, and exclusive access to the Online Studio and our App, is for Unlimited Members only.

Suspend My Membership

To suspend your unlimited membership, please complete our suspension form.

The form sets out our suspension policy and we would really appreciate if you could please read the policy carefully to ensure that any suspension request is consistent with this policy.

Cancel My Membership

To cancel your unlimited membership, please complete our cancellation form 

The form sets out our cancellation policy and we would really appreciate if you could please read the policy carefully to ensure that any cancellation request is consistent with this policy.

Clear My Negative Account Balance

You can make an account payment to clear a negative account balance by logging into your MindBody account (see instructions above), and following the payment instructions set out on the alert notifying you of your negative account balance. 

Alternatively, if you know the amount of your negative account balance, you can click here and follow the prompts to make a payment.

Update My Payment Details

You can update your credit card or payment details by logging into your MindBody account (see instructions above), and then:

  • clicking on the ‘My Info’ tab
  • selecting ‘Profile’
  • clicking the ‘Edit’ icon in the Billing Information section
  • entering your new billing details
  • clicking ‘Save’.
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