As a friendly reminder, we have set out our cancellation policy below. We would really appreciate if you could please read this policy carefully and only submit a cancellation request that is consistent with this policy.
1. Only memberships on fortnightly or monthly direct debit arrangements may be cancelled.
2. Cancellation requests must be submitted using this online form at least 3 days before the requested cancellation date.
3. If there has been a recent fortnightly or monthly debit from your account, or if there is a debit between the date that you submit this form and the requested cancellation date, we will not refund that debit but we will allow you to continue to access the studios for the relevant period relating to that debit. For instance, if a fortnightly debit is deducted 3 days before the proposed cancellation date, you will continue to have access to the studios for the full fortnight after that debit.
5. Unfortunately, students may not cancel their membership if they have a negative account balance at the time of requesting the cancellation or at the time that the cancellation is scheduled to take effect. Please check your account balance