It’s back to school time again and you are most likely settling in to the new working year. Now is a good time to think about the tone and pace you would like to set for yourself in 2015. Take your time with this list to reflect and consider if any of these little rituals might help you keep a calm and easy pace as the business of daily life starts to ramp up.
Fuel up for the day ahead. Drink a glass of water with lemon juice, make a green smoothie to load up your system with nutrients and get your digestion moving. On your hungrier mornings, have something low GI like avocado on spelt toast or half a cup of oats with fresh fruit.
Pre-plan for the day ahead. Pick out your outfit and meals the night before so that you have less decisions to make when you are waking up in the morning. By getting organised ahead of time, you’re freeing up your mind to enjoy the hot water on your back and the wonderful taste of your breakfast. When it comes time to head out the door, you’ll feel much calmer knowing that you have everything you need to start your day.
Keep a gratitude journal. Write down what you appreciate about yourself, your friends, family and your work. When you focus on what’s working in your life, you’ll feel far more capable of handling the challenges in your life.
Meditate for 5 minutes. Find a quiet room. Let your thoughts come and go. Write down any ‘aha’ thoughts that come to you in your gratitude journal. Revisit those pages when you’re feeling a bit low for any reason. Reading our own inspired reflections is a beautiful gift to give to ourselves.
Check in with your goals once a month. For most of us, our New Years resolutions is basically a list of goals for the year ahead. Try to focus and read over your goals early in the day. Doing so at night may make you anxious and unable to sleep. Looking over your goals should be a calm time to reflect on what you want in your life.
Avoid television just before bed. Studies have shown that certain programs like crime dramas and the evening news can increase the heart rate which is not necessarily conducive to peaceful sleep. Try something calming like an online meditation, visualization exercises, a round of sun salutations, sitting down with a cup of tea and writing in your gratitude journal, or just reading a good book in a comfortable space in your home.