New to Light Space or a past LSY yogi? Come along to our FREE Open Day this Saturday! Book your spot here.



I was a stressed out, burnt out, journalist when I hit the yoga mat and found it was the only thing that could stop my mind racing. It led to a life changing trip to the Sattva Yoga Academy, in the foothills of the Himalayas, where I fell in love with pranayama and yoga kriyas. For me, yoga is moving meditation, and pretty much the answer to everything. It brings peace, and makes me happy.

I am a natural born storyteller and will always have a little anecdote to share, whether you want to hear it or not. Off the mat, the love of my life is an enormous border collie called George, followed closely by a love of books and laughter. The best advice I ever heard was “close your eyes and count your breaths” and I have been doing it ever since. I will always be a news junkie, but yoga makes me a happy one.

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