Head Shot Mimi


I am a mama of 2 boys who tower over me and a fur baby girl that looks like Garfield. They are my constant teachers of life. I love travelling to Asian countries to chill and eat and must be accompanied by red chilli. I must have a coffee first thing in the morning. I have a green leaves addiction, but love to eat everything. I love savoury and don’t have a sweet tooth. I am a lover of white flowers. My garden is splattered with all types of white blooms throughout the year. And yes I love yoga and all the craziness of it all and going upside down. But nothing beats 10 mins of quiet time and long juicy yin practices. Self development yearly is of upmost importance for me and my practice, and I look forward yearly in spending a whole month overseas studying. I love teaching.

Mimi’s classes are dynamic, fluid with emphasis on the breath.

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